Soothe Seasonal Allergies with Heat Therapy

Soothe Seasonal Allergies with Heat Therapy

Soothe Seasonal Allergies with Heat Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide Seasonal allergies can be a real challenge, affecting not only your physical well-being but also your mental health. The discomfort of itchy, puffy eyes, congested sinuses, and persistent headaches can make day-to-day activities a struggle. However, there's good news – heat pillows and weighted eye pillows can be your allies in alleviating these symptoms effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore how these pillows can be heated and cooled to provide relief during allergy season.   1. Ease Chest Congestion One of the most uncomfortable symptoms of seasonal allergies is chest...

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Heat Pillow Relax

A guide to self-care and wellness during lockdown

Ah lockdown. A word all Australians are very familiar with by now, particularly Victorians! Every single person has been impacted, whether it's losing your job, suffering emotionally, or home-schooling your children. So, we uncovered the best way to support your mental health during a lockdown by practising self-care. Reflection It's easy to become worried, stressed, or angry during a lockdown. But reflection is something that we can all use a little more of. Sit back and stop your world for just a moment. Think back on what you HAVE achieved since the pandemic began. Did you clean out that pesky...

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